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And Abandoned Cities

Ghost Towns

How and Why does a city and its community simply vanish? 

The principle factor(s) that make these urban areas and networks "Disapear" really has a great deal to do with the economy, modern transformation and technological headways. As individuals we might be infatuated with something to the point where we can't picture existence without it, notwithstanding, when something better or more helpful springs up we as a whole of an abrupt appear to be ready to effortlessly give up and esteem the new more advantageous thing as though the other never existed.


This is the kind of thing that exists with almost all human beings...Desire, And the need to maximize our desire even at the cost of our communities.

How Do Technological advancements contribute to Ghost Towns?

 A large number of these urban areas and cities were made up of helpful assets at the time, for example, mills, carriage shops, wagon shops, shoe makers, blacksmiths… obviously as the economy continued to alter, vehicles swapped the requirement for carriages and their shops , industrial facilities substituted the requirement for metal forgers  and blacksmiths factories. This multitude of assets required specialists who on account of these advanced manufacturing plants no longer had a source of income or a calling which made them leave their networks and jobs in order to move to an alternate city where their abilities can in any case be used leaving their home cities deserted, creating a ghost town. Today, technological advancements are rapidly changing and becoming more advanced by the day, technology is growing faster than it ever has since the beginning of time. However, technological advancements are not the only cause, environmental factors such as disasters, nuclear radiation and intentional acts of war also play a role.

Examples Of Ghost Towns And Abandoned Cities.

Pripyat, Ukraine

This picture shows an abandoned school in Pripyat, Ukraine. Looking at the picture you can see old rotting chairs tipped over, broken and rotting floor boards and deteriorating walls which begs the question "What caused this?" 

On April 26th 1986, a horrific explosion took place just 2 miles away in Chernobyl which flooded the city with radioactive material and caused the population of Pripyat (49,000 people) to evacuate leaving Pripyat, nearly 36 years later completely abandoned.


"Hundreds of letters from 1986 still sit waiting to be mailed. While radiation levels in Pripyat have dropped enough in recent years to allow urban explorers and former residents to make brief visits, scientists estimate that it could take several centuries before the town is once again safe for habitation". (Edwards, 2020)

The Ghost Town Of Herron Mills, Eastern Ontario

This area is one that stands apart on the grounds that the old constructions and Architectural works that once stood appear to have a profound social image which take. us to far more seasoned social orders and permit us to get a brief look at how much this world has developed and how more seasoned social orders used to live and work. Today, Herron Mills remains as a Ghost Town.

The Gillies family founded the place in 1821 and used it as a location to cut and distribute timber. In 1871 the Gilles family sold the 104 acres of land to the Herron family who expanded the place by adding a bakery which baked and distributed oats and oatmeal, a  post office, barns, stables  and even a school for the workers' children

So what happend ? Because Herron Mills was a tight nit community that strived off the distribution of timber and other small businesses that depended on the local community. The Great Depression really affected this community and even caused some mills to be shut down, people to leave and from there the downfall of Herron Mills began. Herron Mills held on for several years before permanantly  shutting down in 1951.

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